mr.-coffee coffee maker is like any ordinary coffee maker nothing special. You put water in it and the amount of coffee you want. what I like about this coffee maker is that it is not that expensive you can waste a little money on it for me I have had mine for about 6 yearsContinue reading “mr.-coffee” coffee maker is like any ordinary coffee maker nothing special. You put water in it and the amount of coffee you want. what I like about this coffee maker is that it is not that expensive you can waste a little money on it for me I have had mine for about 6 years I usually make coffee on it almost every day. It hasn’t broken yet generally if you take care of your coffee maker it will take care of you this coffee maker’s heating element is still strong and I have no problems with it one of my suggestions is to run plain water through it sometimes to get the granules out of it sometimes. You also need to watch how you put the coffee filter and make sure it is straight with the coffee because you don’t want coffee granules in your beverage. Overall I give this coffee maker an 8 out of 10 because It’s cheap and it lasts long the coffee tastes pretty good and It only cost me around $30.

Brand Mr. Coffee
Capacity 12 Cups
Color Black
Special Feature Manual, Permanent Filter
Coffee Maker Type Drip Coffee Machine
About this item
On/off indicator light lets you know when your coffee maker is on or off
Grab a cup auto pause stops cycle if you need a cup before brewing is finished
Dual water window allows visibility as you fill no more overflows
Lift and clean filter basket for fast and easy clean up
Easy cord storage eliminates counter clutter. Watts: 900
Cord length: 26 inches
Height: 12.56 inches x width: 11.76 inches x depth: 8.43 inches. Weight: 3.6 pounds
Customer ratings by feature
4.5 4.5
Value for money
4.4 4.4
Easy to use
4.4 4.4

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